Free Beacon Chuck Ross

Chuck Ross is a senior investigative reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. He previously worked as an investigative reporter for the Daily Caller. He graduated from Wichita State University and lives near Kansas City. You can reach Chuck at

Atlantic Council Board Member Under Federal Investigation for Illegal Lobbying

Justice Department investigating Sally Painter for ties to Burisma

June 4, 2021

New Liberal 'Truth Brigade' Has Ties to Billionaire Who Peddled Disinformation

Indivisible's new project aims to purge conservative disinformation from social media

June 3, 2021

Squad Acolyte Jamaal Bowman Cozies Up To Controversial Turkish Advocacy Group

The Turkish American National Steering Committee has close ties to Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan

June 2, 2021

Time Magazine Takes Chinese Cash To Promote Controversial Drone Business

Iconic mag fails to properly disclose $700k from China

June 1, 2021

Dems Hosted Ex-Black Panther Implicated in Torture for Event Where Panelists Praised Cop Killers

Black Panthers accused of torture compared their movement to Black Lives Matter

May 26, 2021

Atlantic Council Scholars Made Millions Lobbying for Putin-Backed Pipeline

Conflicts of interest abound at historically hawkish think tank

May 26, 2021
China Daily

Chinese Propaganda Outlet Paid Millions to American Newspapers and Magazines, Records Show

China Daily pays to place interviews with pro-China Quincy Institute scholar

May 25, 2021