Free Beacon Charles Fain Lehman

Charles Fain Lehman is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor at City Journal. He was previously a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon.

Trump Admin. Announces New Rule to Detain Children with Parents

Proposal would render Flores settlement moot

September 6, 2018
Lamar Smith

Rep. Smith: If Dems. Take House, It's 'Amnesty Number One, Number Two, and Number Three'

Outgoing congressman outlines Dems' radical left turn on immigration

September 5, 2018

Amid Criticism of Firm, Hatch Wants Google Investigated

Senator concerned company breaking anti-trust laws

August 31, 2018

Justice Department Joins Discrimination Suit Against Harvard

DOJ: Harvard purposefully manipulating racial composition of class

August 30, 2018

Data: Americans Contracting More STDs

Antibiotic resistant gonorrhea major concern of public health experts

August 30, 2018

Study: Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Had Little Impact

New Hampshire PDMP did not affect surgical prescription of opioids

August 29, 2018

Trump Strongly Opposed to FIRST STEP

President won’t back bill that gives leniency to drug dealers

August 24, 2018