Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Groups Call Warren's Hearing Aid Bill a 'Big Government Ploy' to Increase Regulation

Letter warns of hidden consequences of bill to make hearing aids available over-the-counter

May 9, 2017

Congressmen Call On CUNY to Revoke Invite to Anti-Israel Linda Sarsour

Lawmaker: Taxpayer-funded university's commencement speaker 'embarrassing'

May 5, 2017
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

Abbas Holds Media Reception at Swanky D.C. Hotel

NYT's Tom Friedman, Martin Indyk, Bernie Sanders adviser Matt Duss in attendance

May 4, 2017

Dem Billionaire Warren Buffett Urged to Disclose Company's Political Spending

Buffett resists push for greater transparency at Berkshire Hathaway

May 3, 2017

DNC Quiet on Vice Chair's Full-Throated Defense of Anti-Israel Activist

Democratic vice chair warns critics to 'fall back' in fight against Linda Sarsour

May 2, 2017

Rob Quist's Faux Defense of Gun Rights

Quist says he will defend 2nd Amendment, campaigns with gun-control activist

April 27, 2017
Roger Waters at TimesTalks

New York Times Hosts Anti-Israel Roger Waters

Ex-Pink Floyd bassist admits latest attempt to boycott Israel has failed

April 27, 2017