Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Paul Ryan and Deion Sanders Want to Change How America Fights War on Poverty

Soldiers in the grassroots war on poverty convene in Washington, D.C.

July 14, 2015

Disgraced De Blasio Aide Rachel Noerdlinger Covered Up Al Sharpton's Lie

Sharpton had a 'taxpayer-funded mole' in NYC mayor's office

July 7, 2015

iPhone Autocorrect Ruins Thousands of Attempts to Celebrate America

PICTURES: #Merica, autocorrect, and American decline

July 6, 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton

Slumlords to Host Hillary Clinton Fundraiser

FLASHBACK: Schusters investigated for misappropriation of millions in federal funds

July 2, 2015

Women Still Short-Changed in Obama White House

Democrat war on women pay equality continues to rage on

July 2, 2015
Bryan Rafanelli

Chelsea Clinton’s Wedding Planner to Host Hillary Fundraiser

Clinton donor received taxpayer money planning parties for State Department

July 1, 2015