Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Chinese PLA (People's Liberation Army) soldiers march during a military drill in southwest China's Sichuan province, 23 September 2014

Chinese Military Weaknesses Revealed

Despite buildup, PLA problems include weapons shortfalls, corruption, party controls

February 12, 2015
Vladimir Putin

Report: Crime, Anti-American Harassment in Russia Grows

New Security Dangers Follow Moscow’s Annexation of Crimea

February 11, 2015

Hawaiian Independence Movement Attracts Chinese Interest

Restoration of kingdom could end U.S. military presence

February 10, 2015
Ashton Carter

Defense Nominee Says US Set to Build INF Missile

Illegal Russian Cruise Missile Can Be 'Two-Way Street'

February 6, 2015

DIA: Islamic State Spreading Beyond Syria and Iraq

China, Russia building space warfare capabilities

February 3, 2015

Navy Intel Officer Warns of Future China Conflict

Calls for telling the truth about Beijing

February 2, 2015
Army troops are pictured at the Changchun First Aviation Open Day, northeast Chinas Jilin province, 1 September 2011

China’s Secret Strategy Exposed

Beijing Plots to Surpass U.S. in Coming Decades

February 2, 2015

Pentagon Warns of Chinese Arms Dominance

'Alarmed' at PRC buildup over last 15 years

January 28, 2015
Vladimir Putin

Spy Ring Arrest Highlights Jump in Russian Spying Under Putin

Arrest of deep cover SVR officer signals tougher U.S. stance toward Moscow

January 28, 2015
© CNES (2014), Distribution Airbus DS / Spot Image / IHS

Photos Show China Military Buildup on Island Near Senkakus

Tensions high between China and Japan over island chain

January 27, 2015