Free Beacon Andrew Evans

Andrew Evans is an assistant editor at National Affairs and a former reporter for the Washington Free Beacon, where he covered government accountability and healthcare issues.

The Connected Soul of C.S. Lewis

REVIEW: C.S. Lewis’s ‘Letters to an American Lady’

December 6, 2014

Campbell Brown: Teacher Tenure Must End

Former news anchor speaks about her efforts to end teacher protection policies

October 2, 2014
Protesters sit at the intersection of Wall St. and Broad St. in New York, Monday, Sept. 22, 2014

Liberalism in America

Analysis: Heritage panel discusses the future of the left

September 27, 2014

Less than Human

Review: Freedom from Speech by Greg Lukianoff

August 31, 2014

Upholding the Rule of Law

Analysis: Halbig v. Burwell is a blow to Obamacare, but issue is far from settled

July 22, 2014
Hobby Lobby will argue its case against Obamacare in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Hobby Lobby’s Meaning

Analysis: Court’s narrow ruling affirms religious freedom, incenses liberals

June 30, 2014

The God of Liberalism

Review: ‘Inventing the Individual,’ by Larry Siedentop

May 18, 2014

Roadblock to Health Care Reform

Analysis: 2009 GOP health care proposal illustrates the challenges in unifying Republicans

April 19, 2014

Inside the Courtroom

Analysis: Oral arguments reveal priorities of the Supreme Court in Hobby Lobby case

March 27, 2014
Obamacare supporter rally

A Double Whammy for Obamacare

Analysis: New regulations strengthen federal control of America’s healthcare system

February 27, 2014