Free Beacon Aaron Sibarium

Aaron Sibarium is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from Yale University, where he was the opinion editor of the Yale Daily News. Before joining the Free Beacon, he was an editor at The American Interest. His twitter handle is @aaronsibarium. Email him at

Stanford Law School Ousts Diversity Dean Who Egged on Protest of Federal Judge

Tirien Steinbach infamously urged Judge Kyle Duncan to consider whether 'the juice' is 'worth the squeeze.'

July 20, 2023

NYU Hit With Civil Rights Complaint Over Whites-Only ‘Anti-Racism’ Workshop

Complaint alleges that the seminar violated four different civil rights laws

July 14, 2023

The Supreme Court's Affirmative Action Ruling Is Already Having an Impact. You Might Be Surprised Where. 

Columbia Law journals are delaying admissions decisions in the wake of the Court's landmark ruling. The move highlights how the verdict could have implications beyond undergraduate admissions.

July 6, 2023

A Small Business Complained About Crime in Chicago. Then the Feds Came After It.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said that Townstone Financial violated civil rights law

June 20, 2023

How Tobacco Companies Are Crushing ESG Ratings

'Women involved in tobacco farming often face structural and cultural barriers,' the tobacco giant Philip Morris wrote in its 2022 ESG report. 'Globally, less than 15 percent of agricultural land is owned by women.'

June 13, 2023

Seattle Firefighters Now Drilled on Ibram Kendi Before Promotion to Top Jobs   

Lieutenants’ test includes “How To Be an Antiracist,” “Memoirs of a Transgender Firefighter,” and other woke tomes 

May 25, 2023

DC To Lift Bar Exam’s Mask Mandate After Free Beacon Report

‘Looks like someone who probably doesn’t want to wear a mask sent it to the media to force our hand,’ bar officials complain.

May 19, 2023