
Northwestern Investigates Flyer Targeting Jewish Community Center

Flyer calling on university to end relationship with Hillel may have violated anti-harassment policies

April 22, 2024

Bob Casey Does Delicate Dance With Besieged 'Squad' Member Summer Lee

The Pennsylvania senator tries to have it both ways, standing by his endorsement of the anti-Israel Democrat in the face of a primary challenge but keeping his distance, too

April 22, 2024

Biden DOE Collaborated With Scientist From Iranian University Sanctioned for Illicit Nuclear Work

Republican lawmaker concerned US taxpayer dollars made their way to sanctioned entities

April 22, 2024

Columbia University Campus Unravels in Face of Escalating Anti-Semitic, Eliminationist Protests

President Shafik faces call to resign as anti-Semitic agitators engulf Manhattan campus

April 22, 2024