Grimes Caught Sucking Up To D.C. Elites, Harry Reid
Grimes Silent on Coal at Private Fundraiser
June 10, 2014
MSNBC Mocks Hillary's 'Dead Broke' Comments
Scarborough: 'The more you hear it, the worse it sounds'
June 10, 2014
Senator: Clinton State Dept. Broke Law, Lied About Boko Haram Terror Threat
Letter: Reports to Congress on Boko Haram terror threat intentionally misleading
June 10, 2014
Rubio Scolds Clinton's 'Minor League' Benghazi Remarks
Rubio: ‘She should have known of the dangers that existed there’
June 10, 2014
Halperin: Hillary's New Book 'Tone Deaf'
'There is nothing in the book that would tell you what she’d do as president'
June 10, 2014