
Herman Cain Just Said That

Cain has a message for 'dead broke' Hillary

State Dept Confirms: Iran Now Shipping Oil to Syria

Oil shipments may violate interim nuclear accord

June 12, 2014

Engel: 'A Long Civil War' May Be Starting in Iraq

Engel: 'These militants are also very anti-American'

CBS: Bergdahl's Writings Give Glimpse Into His Mindset

Bergdahl: 'I will not lose this mind, this world I have deep inside'

Cutter: Hillary Prevented Iran from Getting Nuclear Bomb

Cutter falsely claims Bush 'couldn't bring Russia and China to the table'

Russian Bombers Fly Within 50 Miles of California Coast

U.S. F-22, F-15 jets intercept four Bear H bombers near Alaska, Northern California

June 11, 2014

New Tom Cotton Ad: 'Toe The Line'

Cotton: 'Sen. Pryor votes with his party and Obama 90 percent of the time'

Obama Adviser Asks Iran to Release Imprisoned US Pastor

Human rights activists call for tougher stand on human rights abuses

June 11, 2014