
Dean: Ultimately, Patients Will Be Damaged by Obamacare

McCaughey: Obama 'lying through his teeth' about law's effects


'Classic Whistleblower Reprisal'

State Department officials engaged in 'subtle intimidation' of Benghazi whistleblowers, lawyer says

April 30, 2013

Chaffetz: Wrong to Ever Assume Boston Bombings were Isolated Incident

'I think the starting point should be, It might be part of a bigger, broader plot'

Roskam: Fire U.N. Official Who Blamed U.S. Policy for Bombings

Top House Republican calls for U.N. official's termination in letter to Ban Ki-moon

April 30, 2013

Taylor: Debate Over Reinhart/Rogoff Spreadsheet Error Trivializes Debt Problem

'[With no changes to entitlements] we're going to go a lot more than the numbers Reinhart and Rogoff talked about'