Hearing: Al Qaeda Threat Has ‘Metastasized’
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula growing in strength
September 19, 2013
Voice of America on Mute
VOA supervisory board seeks to slash editorial broadcasts in FY2014 budget
September 19, 2013
Assad Affirms American Exceptionalism
No word from the Kremlin on Assad calling U.S. 'greatest country in the world'
September 18, 2013
Krauthammer on Assad Interview: He Is One of the 'Great Liars of All Time'
'He is a brilliant diplomat and a war criminal at the same time'
September 18, 2013
Jindal to DOJ: Drop Lawsuit Against School Voucher Program
Demands government stop trapping students in failing schools
September 18, 2013
Wolf Blitzer May Be Talking to Dan Pfeiffer's Mom
September 18, 2013