
Union Issues Warning About Obamacare

Unions fear health care changes will negatively impact members

July 11, 2013

Terry McAuliffe’s Involvement in Contribution Scandal Reemerges

Engaged in bid to gin up Democratic donations by helping would-be union boss

July 11, 2013
Harry Reid, Filibuster, Obama's appointees

Harry Reid Announces Intention to Go Nuclear on Filibuster

Republicans accuse Reid of hypocrisy, manufacturing controversy

July 11, 2013

Marco Rubio Calls for Repeal of Healthcare Reform

Florida senator suggests voting against continuing resolution until ACA repealed

July 11, 2013

Chinese Army Prepares for Conflict with United States

Larry Wortzel warns of increasing threat in new book

July 11, 2013

Report: Health Alert Issued in Afghanistan Over Waste Disposal

SIGAR suggests usage of $11.5M incinerators instead of open air pits

July 11, 2013

Former NY Madam Davis: Spitzer Is a Career Criminal

'He prosecuted escort agencies while using them'

Fact-Checking ‘Gasland Part II’

Anti-fracking film littered with inaccurate and misleading claims

July 10, 2013