
Expert: Egypt Likely to Remain Violent as Muslim Brotherhood Resists Military

Brotherhood supporters want Egypt’s first democratically elected leader reinstated

August 5, 2013

Terror Threat Intelligence Not New

Agencies knew of threat to embassies, officials for months

August 5, 2013

'Moderate' Rowhani Appoints Holocaust Denier as Foreign Minister

Flashback video: Rowhani's new foreign minister at Columbia University in 2006

Egypt's Brotherhood Rejects Appeal to Accept Post-Morsi Reality

Thousands of Morsi supporters still camped in Cairo, say they will not back down

August 5, 2013

Guards Allegedly Forced into Union Day Before Right to Work Implemented

Feds investigating complaint made by three Michigan security workers

August 5, 2013

Concern over ‘Credible Threats’ in Middle East, Africa from Al Qaeda

Sunday Show Round-Up: Some lawmakers, officials praise, defend NSA program after alert issued

August 4, 2013