
Sunday Show Roundup

Obama responds to critics

September 15, 2013

Mitchell Pokes Holes in Syrian Deal: 'There Are a Lot of Ifs'

'That doesn't mean that the president couldn't use force ... but how credible a threat is that?'

September 15, 2013

Obama: 'I'm Less Concerned About Style Points'

'It sounds to me like we did something right'

September 15, 2013

Crazy for America

From the Archives: the Free Beacon embeds a reporter in Rep. Louie Gohmert’s tour of the Capitol

September 14, 2013

Christian Leaders Criticize Rand Paul’s Comments

Deny that American Christians support wars for Israel’s benefit

September 13, 2013

Former CIA leader: Syria’s Islamist Rebels Gaining Power

Michael Morell worries collapse of state will empower al Qaeda

September 13, 2013