
Terrorists Threaten to Strike Back

Terrorists threaten Americans, journalists in Libya following U.S. capture of al Qaeda leader

October 11, 2013
Captain Phillips, Tom Hanks, Movie Review

‘Captain Phillips’ Review

Tense docudrama tells story of survival at sea

October 11, 2013

Frank Wolf Objects to Chinese Scientists Being Prohibited from Upcoming Conference

Says NASA research center inaccurately interpreting law

October 10, 2013

Shutdown Doesn’t Stop Grant for ‘Reproductive Health’ in Pakistan

USAID seeking applications for program that will cost $24.5 million

October 10, 2013

Judicial Watch Sues Michael Bloomberg for Gun Records

Suit seeks communications between Office of the Mayor, head of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and Joe Biden

October 10, 2013

White House Still Promoting CLASS Act

Portion of Obamacare was repealed on New Years Day 2013

October 10, 2013