
USAID Defends ‘Cuban Twitter’ Program

GAO signed off on efforts to promote freedom on island nation

April 7, 2014
Most of the Walmart black friday protesters did not work at Walmart

Cease and Desist

NLRB orders UFCW to stop ‘restraining and coercing employees’ while protesting

April 7, 2014

Holder Claims DOJ Never Sought to End Louisiana Voucher Program

Lawsuit: ‘The U.S. asks this Court to permanently enjoin the State of Louisiana from awarding any school vouchers’

April 7, 2014

Holder: We Want to Explore Gun Tracking Bracelets

DOJ requesting $2 million for ‘Gun Safety Technology’ grants

April 7, 2014

Venezuelan Students Attacked by Pro-Maduro Vigilantes

Maduro called for 'dialogue and diplomacy' with opposition last week

Conflict of Interest

‘Pro-market’ Lexington Institute arguing in favor of subsidies for donors

April 7, 2014