Parents March for Charter Schools in NYC
Feature: Desperate parents fear liberal mayor Bill de Blasio will close successful charter schools
October 2, 2014
US, Partner Nations Conduct More Airstrikes Against ISIL
Strikes hit ISIL in Syria, Iraq
October 2, 2014
Teachers Union Backing Landrieu Files Anti-Charter School Lawsuit
Landrieu ‘could not be more pleased’ after endorsement
October 2, 2014
Pelosi Won't Say Whether Illegal Immigrants From Iraq Should Receive Amnesty
“I don’t think it has anything to do with what the president is going to do next on immigration”
October 2, 2014
Egyptian Storefront Advertises Hitler the Cockroach Killer
Hatred of Jews flourishing in Egypt
October 2, 2014
Israeli Defense Minister: Two-State Solution Impossible
Independent Palestinian state cannot exist alongside Israel
October 2, 2014
Campbell Brown: Teacher Tenure Must End
Former news anchor speaks about her efforts to end teacher protection policies
October 2, 2014
Public Radio Station to Investigate Tirades Against GOP Congressman
Staffer told former Army colonel to ‘find a real job … and not live off the taxpayers money’
October 2, 2014