
Islamic State Steps Up Violent Recruitment of Children for Battle

‘Children are central to ISIS’, experts say

December 23, 2014

More Than 500 Vets Died at VA Hospitals Due to Mistakes Since 2010

Records show fatal delays in cancer treatment, response to suicidal gestures

Incoming Coal Country Republican Confident in Dem Energy Adviser

Industry supporters concerned about top energy and environment aide to Sen.-elect Shelley Moore Capito

December 22, 2014

Feds Spend $33,341 to Find Out if Same-Sex Couples Live Close to Tobacco Shops

High tobacco use among same-sex couples ‘creates substantial health inequalities in cancer’

December 22, 2014

Facebook Helps Putin Shut Down Dissidents

Social media company kowtows to Russian dictator, kisses up to Chinese president

December 22, 2014
Matthew Butler

Obama Nominee to Elections Panel Helped Dem Group Skirt Massive IRS Fine

Former Media Matters CEO prevented donor disclosure, $5 million IRS penalty for Democracy Alliance-backed political group

December 22, 2014