
McDonalds calorie rule

Groups Fear FDA Moving Ahead With Obamacare Calorie Rule As Is

Regulation includes criminal penalties for mislabeling food

October 30, 2017

CEA: Business Side of Trump's Unified Tax Plan Could Push GDP by 5% in Next Decade

Household incomes expected to see a yearly boost of $4,000 due to corporate tax cut

October 29, 2017
Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring

GOP Opponent Says Gun Control Money Further Proof Mark Herring a 'Political Animal'

John Adams: Herring has 'strong ideology,' uses AG office to 'further his agenda'

The Thirty-Year Bonfire

Appreciation: Tom Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities at 30

October 29, 2017

Selling a Bloody Past

Review: The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister’s Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine by Lindsey Fitzharris

October 28, 2017