Ryan to Schumer: Do Not Shut Down the Federal Government

January 18, 2018

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) pleaded to Democrats on Thursday to keep the government open, starting remarks directed at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) with, "Senator Schumer, do not shut down the federal government."

His speech followed a mostly party-line vote of House legislation that funds the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the military, and keeps the government open.

However, while Republicans also control the Senate, because they don't have 60 votes in the chamber to avoid a fillibuster, Democrats are needed to avoid a government shutdown.

"Do not jeopardize funding for our military and for our national security," Ryan said. "It is risky. It is reckless. And it is wrong."

Ryan said that Senate Democrats are holding critical funding hostage for a deal "on a completely unrelated immigration issue," referring to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

"So Senate Democrats are treating our men and women in military, who are putting their lives at risk and on the line for us, as bargaining chips at this point," Ryan said.

Democrats had previously threatened to not authorize funding federal government programs until the DACA issue had been addressed.

"Help us keep the government open. Help us keep our military funded. And let’s continue to work together in good faith," Ryan said.