Tim Scott Responds With a Zinger When Asked How He Can Relate to 'Struggling Families'

Tim Scott / Getty Images
December 1, 2017

Sen. Tim Scott (R., S.C.) shot back on Friday when an opponent of the Republican tax plan questioned his ability to relate to struggling families.

Twitter user Melissa Jo Peltier, apparently disbelieving Scott's ability to relate to struggling Americans, asked Scott when the last time was that he spent time with a "struggling family."


Peltier identifies herself on Twitter as a "#Emmy Winning Film & TV Writer/Prod/Dir/NYT Bestseller." Based on her comments and header image, which reads "Trump tax scam," she is a strong opponent of the GOP Tax bill.

Scott responded by pointing to his personal experience as a child.

"You mean...besides growing up in a poor single parent household where we had to use the oven to heat the house?" Scott tweeted. "Or when we couldn't afford Christmas presents? Or when I owned 4 shirts total?"

The South Carolina Republican was raised in poverty in North Charleston, according to a 2010 Washington Post report. Scott's single mother, Frances, worked 16 hours a day raising Scott and his brother.

On Thursday, the senator voted to advance tax reform legislation closer to a final vote.

Published under: Tim Scott , Twitter