DNC Fundraising Woes Continue, Hauls in Just $3.9 Million in October

DNC Chair Tom Perez / Getty
DNC chair Tom Perez / Getty
November 21, 2017

The Democratic National Committee is continuing to struggle to raise money, bringing in a meager $3.9 million in October.

The DNC's showing last month adds to the national party's ongoing problems with fundraising; the organization has only brought in $55 million this year, the Hill reported Tuesday. The DNC has $5 million in cash-on-hand, while it is $3.2 million in debt.

The past quarter was the DNC's second-worst fundraising quarter of 2017.

These numbers contrast with those of the Republican National Committee, which raised $9.2 million in October, bringing its total cash-on-hand for the year to $42.5 million. The RNC has raised $113 million so far in 2017.

October's fundraising numbers are likely to further fuel criticism within the Democratic Party of DNC chair Tom Perez, who has served in his role for less than a year.

Democratic congressional fundraising committees are doing well this year, however, with President Donald Trump boosting enthusiasm for Democrats to try to take control of Congress. Republican fundraising committees are struggling to meet the same numbers.