Brave New Foundation's
Cancer Cash

Anti-Koch propaganda funded by tobacco cash

April 5, 2012

The "documentary" that charged libertarian philanthropists David and Charles Koch of causing cancer received financial backing from tobacco money.

Brave New Foundation, which produced the web video Koch Brothers Exposed, received $25,000 from the Arca Foundation, a liberal group that has shelled out more than $50 million to Cuban sympathizers, anti-capitalism groups, and radical environmentalists.

Arca’s generosity is derived from a tobacco fortune invested in all five big banks, oil companies, and defense contractors.

The foundation is the brainchild of tobacco heiress Nancy Susan Reynolds of R.J. Reynolds fame and is run by her granddaughters.

In the past three years, the group has financed a $1 million assault against the financial industry, a while taking in millions in investment revenue from left wing targets such as Fox News' parent company News Corp, Exxon-Mobil, Goldman Sachs, Nestle, and Walmart.

The videos lampoon Koch Industries for financing its political philanthropy from unfair business practices, greed, and environmental disregard—charges that have long dogged the very companies that finance the Arca Foundation and made possible the documentary.

Brave New World has come under fire before—one of the filmmakers was caught on a voicemail left for the Kochs joking about baby cannibalism.

Published under: Koch Brothers