Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took an apparent swipe at President Donald Trump on Friday by jokingly touting her use of "evidence and facts."
"When women participate in peace making we are all safer and more secure," Clinton said during a speech at Georgetown University on "the important role that women can play in international politics and peace building efforts."
"Studies show–here I go again talking about research, evidence, and facts," Clinton then said. The crowd cheered and applauded loudly for about 20 seconds as Clinton laughed and smiled. She then shrugged and continued with her remarks.
Clinton supporters have criticized Trump for his recent accusations that the Obama administration wiretapped him, arguing the president has no facts to support his claim. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Clinton repeatedly attacked Trump for not listening to scientific evidence regarding his views on climate change.
Clinton was speaking at the 2017 Hillary Rodham Clinton Awards for Advancing Women in Peace and Security. The ceremony is held each year by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security "for exceptional leadership in recognizing the important role of women in creating a more peaceful and secure world."
During her speech, Clinton also appeared to take a shot at Trump's White House counselor, Kellyanne Conway.
"Before anybody jumps to any conclusions, I will state clearly women are not inherently more peaceful than men," Clinton said. "That is a stereotype. That belongs in the alternative reality."
The crowd laughed and cheered at Clinton's comment.
"But it does show that when women are at the peace table, they bring together coalitions and they work really hard," the former secretary of state added.
Clinton's remark was an apparent jab at Conway's use of the phrase "alternative facts" in an interview earlier this year on "Meet the Press" with NBC's Chuck Todd.
Todd was pressing Conway on why the White House sent Press Secretary Sean Spicer to a briefing podium to claim, "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period."
"You're saying it's a falsehood. And they're giving–Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts," Conway said.
"Alternative facts aren't facts, they are falsehoods," Todd responded.