Sanders: There May Be No Evidence of 'Collusion' Between Russia, Trump Campaign

February 28, 2017

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) admitted Monday there may be no evidence of "collusion" between the Russian government and President Donald Trump's campaign.

CNN's Anderson Cooper asked the former presidential candidate about his desire for an investigation into Trump and any contacts he or his staff may have had with Moscow during the presidential campaign.

"We have a major government, the Russian government, led by Mr. Putin, actively interfering in our elections, determining, trying to do everything that they could to make sure that Mr. Trump won the election," Sanders said. "Now, there may not yet be any evidence of direct collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign."

"Perhaps today we do not know, but clearly, this is an issue of enormous consequence," Sanders continued.

Many congressional Democrats, and some Republicans, have called for an investigation to determine if the Trump campaign contacted Russian officials during the election. There is disagreement about who should conduct the investigation.