Jesse Jackson Praises Trump's Inauguration Speech

Jesse Jackson / AP
January 23, 2017

Rev. Jesse Jackson praised President Donald Trump's inauguration speech on Friday and said he was hopeful about a Trump presidency.

"Well, you know, the speech was full of hope and inclusion and he reached out to cities in a way they've not been reached out to for a long time," Jackson told the Atlantic Journal-Constitution shortly after Trump was sworn in as president. "But with that must come a target, a timetable, and a budget."

Jackson, who added that Trump has work to do to unify the country after a divisive election, spoke of the need for improved infrastructure in cities, including the need to replace water pipes that carry lead. Jackson also stressed that the president much focus on providing jobs for Americans.

The Journal-Constitution then asked Jackson if he is hopeful now that Trump has been sworn in.

"Well, I'm hopeful, but there's an awful lot of damage that must be cleaned up," Jackson answered. "The campaign was very divisive and very painful."

Jackson went on to list statements made by Trump that concern him and said the president's poor approval ratings are due to a lack of trust, which was diminished by the nature of the election.