McMorris on Millennials: Blame Their Parents

December 12, 2016

Washington Free Beacon reporter Bill McMorris had harsh words for parents of millennials during an appearance Friday night on Fox News' show Red Eye.

The panel was discussing The Adulting School of Portland, Maine, which provides courses to students focused on basic life skills. Classes "offer expert information" in subject areas such as "financial basics," "health and wellness," "make it and fix it skills," and "relationships and community," according to the school's website.

"You're smart and capable," the website reads. "Your education just didn't provide you with all the skills you need." The school teaches its students basic "life skills," from how to choose health insurance to how to fold a fitted sheet and get rid of wine stains.

McMorris said that parents are to blame for millennials not having knowledge of basic, everyday tasks.

"Too many people are going to say, 'Haha, you stupid millennials,' when really it's their parents that utterly failed them," McMorris said. "Think about it. They raised these kids to just be students instead of to be adults."

"They said as long as you do well on the SATs, you don't have to do laundry, you don't have to cook, you don't have to figure out how to communicate with a woman and get married," McMorris added. "They were failed by their parents, not themselves. So now, of course, they have to turn to a classroom setting that they've been raised to absolutely follow in order to accomplish any of these things.

"How do you not know how to open a bank account?" he asked.

Published under: Fox News , Free Beacon