Two-Thirds of America: Throw Obamacare Out

Almost two-thirds of Americans believe the Supreme Court, which is scheduled to hear oral arguments about the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act beginning next week, should declare at least part of the health care law unconstitutional, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll.

ABC News reports:

This ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that Americans oppose the law overall by 52-41 percent. And 67 percent believe  the high court should either ditch the  law or at least the portion that requires nearly all Americans to have coverage. …

The law has never earned majority support in ABC/Post polls – and this update, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds a strong sense its critics are dominating the debate. Seventy percent of Americans report hearing mainly negative things about the law lately;  just 19 percent say the buzz has been positive. Even among its supporters, 53 percent are hearing more negatives than positives. Among opponents this soars to 88 percent.

Intensity of sentiment is more negative as well: Forty-one percent strongly oppose the law, while only a quarter strongly support it.


Published under: Obamacare