Clinton Won’t Release Wall Street Transcripts Because Campaign Standards Stacked Against Her

April 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton said during an interview Sunday that she will not release the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street firms because she is concerned the "constantly changing" campaign standards are unfairly stacked against her.

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Clinton what her concern was with releasing the transcripts since now even some of her own supporters are asking her to do so.

"That [Bernie Sanders] ad does hit the speaking fees that you have had to deal with so many times," Stephanopoulos said. "And the question of whether you’ll release the transcripts. Even your strong supporter, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, says you should release those transcripts. You said you’d do it when everybody else does, but what is the concern? Releasing those speeches would show you praising Wall Street?"

"No, I don’t have any concerns like that," Clinton responded while giving her normal response about releasing her transcripts, adding that there is a set of constantly changing standards in this race that single her out.

"I’m concerned about a constantly changing set of standards for everybody else but me," the former first lady said.

She then changed the subject by arguing that presidential candidates should be releasing their tax returns, saying she has already done this.

"We have certain expectations when you run for president," Clinton explained. "One is release all of your tax returns since you have been in public life. That's what I've done. 33 years are in the public domain. Eight are on my website. Now, there’s a new standard. I’ve said, when it applies to everybody, you bet I’ll meet that standard as well."

She added that she will abide by the standard that she has set for herself.

"In accordance to the standard I have set, I will do that. I’ve said that repeatedly."

The public has been demanding for months that Clinton release the transcripts of her paid speeches to financial firms such as Goldman Sachs, to which she gave three speeches in 2013 for $675,000s, averaging about $225,000 per speech.