Rep. Elijah Cummings (D., Md.) often yells in defense of the Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood, the IRS, and other liberal favorites during floor speeches and congressional hearings, a new SuperCut shows, sometimes punctuating his histrionics with a "We're better than that!"
Cummings was in peak form during last week's Benghazi Select Committee testimony by Hillary Clinton, exploding on several occasions to Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) about releasing committee transcripts and passionately telling Clinton, "I don't know what we want from you!"
"Do we want to badger you over and over again until you get tired, until we do get the gotcha moment that he's talking about?" Cummings asked.
On March 5, 2014, Cummings blew up at House Oversight chair Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) for abruptly ending a hearing where Lois Lerner had refused to answer questions about IRS targeting accusations and cut Cummings' mic when he protested.
"You cannot run a committee like this!" Cummings yelled. "I am a member of the Congress of the United States of America! I am tired of this!"
In June of that year, Cummings grew emotional while speaking with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, apologizing to him for having to answer more questions about the agency's behavior and, his voice cracking, thanking him for taking on the task of cleaning up the IRS.
"I appreciate you coming into this institution, giving it the best you’ve got, and then having to come in here and go through this hell!" Cummings shouted.
Cummings also began yelling about CEO salaries while "questioning" Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards this fall, charging Republicans with hypocrisy for caring about Richards' compensation during questioning about the undercover videos of the Planned Parenthood officials discussing fetal tissue sales.