The IRS watchdog investigating the disappearance of thousands of emails from Lois Lerner—the government official at the heart of the IRS targeting scandal—told congressional investigators it has discovered 6,400 emails not previously turned over to Congress, CNN reports:
Congress requested Lerner's emails from the IRS and agency officials told lawmakers an unknown number of emails had been lost when Lerner's computer crashed.
The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration is in the process of turning the emails over to the Senate Finance Committee, which is investigating whether the IRS wrongly targeted conservative and other groups seeking tax-exempt status, committee spokesman Aaron Fobes said.
"These emails will be carefully examined as part of the committee's bipartisan IRS investigation," he said.
After the IRS said last year that it was unable to produce all Lerner's email, the Senate Finance Committee asked the Treasury inspector general to investigate what records were lost, if they were deliberately destroyed and if the missing information could be recovered.
The investigation is ongoing and the Treasury deputy inspector general has said officials are examining the possibility of criminal activity.