In the wake of the terrorist attacks in France that murdered 10 Charlie Hebdo staffers, the media has been quick to respond with "Je Suis Charlie" or "I am Charlie." But most media outlets, such as MSNBC and CNN, have refused to show the cartoons that had caused two radical Islamists to kill.
Thursday evening The Five's Greg Gutfeld went on a epic rant against the "self congratulatory" U.S. media.
"What is stupid is cowering out of fear of DMB, or death-by-Muslim. That's why saying 'We are all Charlie' is a lie. We are not all Charlie but far from it," said Gutfeld.
If the media wants to claim that they are "Charlie" then the media needs to stop being afraid of the backlash.
Gutfeld continued, "We took our cue from terror and now we are playing by their rules."