Sen. Dianne Feinstein's (D., Calif.) attempt to change the hearts and minds of America by releasing a 6,000 page report detailing torture carried out by the CIA was a failure, according to an editorial by Marc Thiessen in the Washington Post.
As we begin 2015, we can take solace that the "torture" debate is finally behind us. But before we close the book on six sordid years of Democratic demagoguery and investigations, let the record show that the opponents of the CIA interrogation program were completely and utterly defeated.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D, Calif.), who chairs the Senate intelligence committee, launched a six-year, 6,000-page, $40 million investigation into the CIA interrogation program, with the goal of convincing Americans that a) the program did not work and that b) enhanced interrogations were wrong and should never again be permitted.
She failed on all counts.
Just before Christmas, a Post poll revealed the American people’s final verdict. The vast majority agree with the CIA that these techniques were necessary and justified. A majority think that Feinstein should never have released her report. And — most importantly — 76 percent said they would do it again to protect the country.