This Guy Went Hard on Eggnog And Landed Himself In The Hospital

Christmas 101: Don't chug a quart of eggnog in 12 seconds

Ryan Roche chugging eggnog
December 23, 2014

A Utah man determined to win an office holiday party contest ended-up hospitalized for three days after chugging a quart of eggnog in just 12 seconds.

Here's the video from ABC News:

Ryan Roche started to feel sick just two hours after performing the epic chugging feat.

"Two hours later I was laying on the couch, shaking uncontrollably, nauseous, having fevers and panting," Roche told ABC.

He ended up in the hospital's ICU for a day, and then spent another two days recovering at the same hospital. A doctor said that the eggnog may have gone into his windpipe, triggering pneumonia.