Michael Jordan Slams Obama Golf Game: 'He's a Hack' And 'A Shitty Golfer'

October 30, 2014

During an interview with sportscaster and former NFL star Ahmad Rashad, Michael Jordan gave a blunt critique of Barack Obama’s golf skills.

When asked who he would pick for his "foursome" in a round of golf, Jordan said first he would choose Arnold Palmer, but never got past the description of his second choice: Barack Obama.

"I’ve never played with Obama, but I would," Jordan said. "But no, that’s OK, I’d take him out. He’s a hack."

"Do you really want to say that?" Rashad asked. "He’s the President of the United States; he’s a hack?"

Jordan made it clear that not choosing Obama had nothing to do with politics.

"I never said he wasn’t a great politician," Jordan said. "I’m just saying he’s a shitty golfer."

Jordan joked that he could not finish answering Rashad’s question because Rashad kept interrupting him.

Published under: Obama