Battleground races for the U.S. Senate are turning more red according to new Fox News polls. The nonpartisan polls conducted jointly by Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company (R) show Republicans leading in five key races.
The polls show Republican candidates are leading by significant margins in Arkansas, Colorado, Alaska, Kentucky, and Kansas:
Kansas: Sen. Pat Roberts (R) leading Greg Orman (I) by 5 points
Arkansas: Rep. Tom Cotton (R) leading Sen. Mark Pryor (D) by 7 points
Alaska: Dan Sullivan (R) leading Sen. Mark Begich (D) by 4 points
Colorado: Rep. Cory Gardner (R) leading Sen. Mark Udall (D) by 6 points
Kentucky: Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) leading Alison Lundergren-Grimes (D) by 4 points
"If the election was held today, the Republicans would control the U.S. Senate," Fox News host Bret Baier said Wednesday.
Republicans need to unseat six incumbent Democrats to win a majority in the Senate.