U.S. officials consider ISIL capable of penetrating the Green Zone in Baghdad and leveling attacks against high priority targets, according to a report from CNN.
"What U.S. officials are telling us is when they looked at the intelligence assessment, it showed them that ISIS indeed had the capability, basically, to penetrate the international zone in Baghdad," CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr said.
"ISIS has the capability to potentially launch suicide attacks, bomb attacks, car bombs, bombers with suicide vests."
Starr also said that officials do not consider ISIL capable of "storming the gates" and "taking the whole facility."
Officials did consider the threat posed by ISIL to the Green Zone strong enough to order an increase in U.S. military presence, however. CNN estimates that 350 new troops have been ordered to Iraq since the threat to the Green Zone was analyzed.
"There isn't a specific direct threat against the embassy complex," Starr said. "But we are in that post-Benghazi era when the U.S. has heightened concern for all embassy installations around the world."