A North Carolina couple’s health insurance costs have doubled due to the lack of young enrollees in Obamacare.
A certain percentage of young enrollees is needed to offset the higher costs of treatments that older enrollees need. The Obama Administration failed to reach their goal of enrolling 50 percent of people 34 years and younger. Only 32 percent of Obamacare enrollees are young Americans, leaving other Americans’ insurance rates to see a huge hike.
"We pay $998.70 for two people," Amanda LaRoque told WTVD. Her and her husband own their own business and buy their own health insurance. She is angry at the sudden premium increase by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina.
"From the whole beginning when they introduced the Affordable Care Act, they said if they didn't get enough young people, there was a good possibility it was going to go up," LaRoque said.
Premiums could increase once again in 2015. LaRoque and her husband say they don’t think they can endure another price hike.