Martin O'Malley Bombs in Reddit AMA

Maryland governor Martin O'Malley (D) took part in a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" session on Monday. It went rather poorly, the Washington Post reports:

The Maryland governor, who has made his presidential ambitions pretty clear, answered nearly two dozen questions, all of which left something to be desired--some even drew dozens of down votes, Reddit's way of gauging the community sentiment.

And even the lighthearted questions drew staid answers. (What is the record number of crab cakes O'Malley has eaten? "I don't eat competitively," was the answer.)

Among Redditors, the consensus seemed to be that O’Malley missed the point.

"Lots of hard questions with very few responses from the Governor. I suspect he’s regretting his decision to do this…," wrote one user, vivnsam, in one of the most up-voted post in the AMA thread.

Per the AMA, O'Malley also likes lacrosse.