Herman Cain Just Said That!

Cain: Harry Reid Has a Koch Addiction

"Harry Reid has a Koch addiction," Herman Cain declared on his radio show Thursday.

"He has brought up the Koch brothers on the floor of the United States Senate more than anybody else. He’s trying to demagogue them. Why? Because they happen to be, well, more conservative in their views…They are anti-big government, they are anti waste, fraud, and abuse," he explained.

"In the first quarter of 2014, Dirty Harry raked in $11 million and he now has almost $20 million cash on hand…" The money Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nev.) collected was from his multimillionaire donors, all of whom he refuses to bash. Reid instead, it seems, has a penchant for only bashing wealthy conservatives, Cain said citing a Washington Free Beacon report.

Published under: Harry Reid , Koch Brothers