Rhode Island Obamacare Exchange is Failing Consumers

February 26, 2014

Rhode Island residents are growing frustrated with the Obamacare exchange website, telling WNAC that they have experienced difficulties on it.

Since launching, Rhode Island’s Obamacare exchange website has received 97 complaints.

David McDonald, a Bristol resident, attempted to deactivate his health exchange account and obtain health insurance directly through Blue Cross Blue Shield. The process was supposed to be simple- just submitting a cancellation request, but instead, he was billed for his health insurance a month later.

McDonald called the exchange to report the problem, and they apologized, reassuring him that they had taken care of the issue.

A month later, though, he received another bill. He received a total of four bills.

Exasperated with the exchange’s incompetency, he called WNAC-PVD.

"I came to you because I didn’t think they would listen to me," McDonald told WNAC-PVD.

Published under: Obamacare