Barber: Latest Obamacare Delay 'Most Unfair Thus Far'

February 11, 2014

The Washington Free Beacon’s Ellison Barber joined The Blaze TV’s "Real News" Tuesday, calling the latest Obamacare delay the "most unfair thus far."

"It absolutely is political," Barber said of the Obama administration’s recent decision to delay the employer mandate for businesses with 50 to 99 employees. "I think this is the most unfair delay they’ve made thus far."

Barber noted that there are millions of people that work for businesses with 50-99 employees, and that if those employers decided to deny coverage to their employees while the delay exists, those employees would be forced into the exchanges or subjected to a fine.

"So now you’ll have people who don’t have insurance from their company because of a government change, and they’ll still be forced to pay the individual mandate?" Barber asked. "That’s not fair at all."

Published under: Obamacare