Current TV Host Calls Republicans 'Corporate Whores'

February 14, 2012

This morning on Current TV's "The Young Turks":

Cenk Uygur: 99% of the Republican Party are corporate whores. What they do is they service the rich, so that they can give them more tax cuts. That’s all their objective is. They don’t balance budgets. The last republican president to balance a budget was Dwight Eisenhower. They couldn’t give a damn about budgets or the deficit. They don’t even care about tax cuts. When it came to tax cuts for the middle class, the payroll tax cut, they fought it tooth and nail. The only thing they care about is how they can pleasure corporations, and the very rich.  What does that make them? That makes them corporate whores. You like name-calling, well there it is.

Published under: Republican Party