George Will Has An Idea to Make Obamacare 'Disappear'

Let people keep their plans, allow insurance companies to sell policies that were available prior to Oct. 1st

November 13, 2013

Fox News contributor George Will said the best way for Republicans to address the failures of Obamacare is to pass a bill allowing insurance companies to sell policies they were offering before October 1st and permit policyholders prior to October 1st who were happy with their plans to keep them Wednesday on Special Report.

"After that," Will contended, "Obamacare disappears":

BRET BAIER: George, we have a lot of numbers to digest here, they told me there'd be no math. But your thoughts on this day.

GEORGE WILL: The mathematics is small numbers as far as the enrollment is concerned. Well, it's not working. The exchanges themselves and the website aren't working and neither is the explanation of both failures. The problem is we have no experience rolling out things like this, or at least for about 200 years of our history. When we rolled out, if that's what you want to call it, social security, it was a simple thing. Reach a certain age, we'll mail you a check. They know how to write checks and mail them out. This is a complicated system in which when you change something, something else changes and all the whole structure of incentives goes sideways. I think the blazing insight I've had from this is that there's no need to repeal Obamacare. If you pass a bill that the Republicans I think are going to want to pass saying if you can buy "insurance policy x" before the 1st of October you can still buy it and if you were selling it before then, you can still sell it, that's all you have to do. After that Obamacare disappears.

Published under: Obamacare