WATCH: Andrew Roberts Talks Takedown of Tucker Carlson's Favorite Historian With Piers Morgan

September 10, 2024

British historian and Winston Churchill biographer Andrew Roberts joined Piers Morgan on Monday to discuss his takedown of Darryl Cooper, the little-known pseudo historian who, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, dubbed Churchill the "chief villain of World War II."

Roberts dismantled Cooper's claims in a Washington Free Beacon piece published Friday and told Morgan that Cooper made "eight or nine major accusations" against Churchill, "none of which were true." Cooper, whom Carlson introduced as America's "most important popular historian," has a history of spreading neo-Nazi views.

In a since-deleted tweet, he said an image of Hitler marching through Nazi-occupied Paris was "infinitely preferable in virtually every way" to an image of drag queens from the Paris Olympics opening ceremony. He also showcased a mug he purchased from an avowed Nazi. Cooper called the man a "friend" in the wake of his Carlson interview.

"The shocking thing for me was that Tucker Carlson was taking him seriously at all," Roberts said of Cooper. He particularly criticized Cooper's claim that Churchill was "bailed out" of bankruptcy by Zionists, calling it "utter conspiracy theory nonsense, and also pretty dark."

"The true most powerful irony of all of this is that if Adolf Hitler had won the Second World War and Winston Churchill hadn't, we wouldn't be having this argument. There would be no free speech," Roberts concluded. "All of freedom of expression ultimately comes down to the fact that he was willing not to make peace with Hitler but instead to extirpate Nazism."

The full episode of Piers Morgan Uncensored featuring Roberts can be viewed here.