DEATH WATCH: After Feinstein, Which Ancient Democrat Will 'Retire' Next?

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tockā€¦

October 3, 2023

What happened: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.), the badass bitch best known for eviscerating a group of brainwashed children who stormed her office to protest climate change, passed away last week at age 90. Rest in power, queen.

What happens next: Feinstein was hardly the only Democratic politician who is way too old to still be in office. It's only a matter of time before one of them "retires" due to natural causes. Here's a look at some of the elderly and infirm Democrats who are most likely to vacate their seats in the near future on account of being dead.

Rep. Bill Pascrell (86)

Rep. Grace Napolitano (86)

Rep. Maxine Waters (85)

Rep. Steny Hoyer (84)

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (83)

Rep. Jim Clyburn (83)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (82)

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (80)

Rep. Frederica Wilson (80)

President Joe Biden (80)

Sen. John Fetterman (54)

Rep. Matt Gaetz (41)

Enemies of Hillary Clinton (all ages)