TNR Editor Begs 'Friends' to Subscribe

Franklin Foer takes to Facebook to gin up business

Franklin Foer, the editor of the New Republic, took to Facebook Tuesday night to plead with his friends to become subscribers to his magazine. TNR staff is competing with each other to subscribe as many friends as possible, offering a print and digital subscription for $20 a year. Franklin Foer reports:

[Friends only] For the next two weeks, the New Republic staff is competing to see how many of our friends & family we can get to become new subscribers. Clearly, I need to have a strong showing.

If you haven't yet subscribed, this is a special low friends and family rate of $20/year and is for iPad AND print. Please think about it, even if it's just to help prevent embarrassment in front of my team.

(And if you're already subscribed, feel free to like this post!)


Published under: The New Republic