Overwhelming Majority Opposed to Congress’ Special Obamacare Treatment

September 16, 2013

Ninety-four percent of likely voters nationwide are opposed to special treatment for congressmen in Obamacare, according to a new poll released by the Independent Women’s Voice (IWV).

Congressmen and their staff can receive health insurance subsidies from the Office of Personnel Management under the Affordable Care Act.

According to a press release from the IWV:

As ObamaCare's Oct. 1 start date looms public opposition of the law remains high with more than half (51.3 percent) of all Americans disapproving of the federal health care takeover. [...]

An overwhelming majority (90.1 percent) of voters say they will be upset ... if their representative does nothing to reverse the OPM ruling. And voters say they will vote to replace, not re-elect, their senator or member of Congress if they accept the special exemption from ObamaCare (70 percent if voted against law and accepted subsidies; 69 percent if voted for law and accepted subsidies).

Rep. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) introduced a bill last week that would prevent the federal government from helping to pay for health insurance for congressmen and their staff.

Published under: Obamacare