Current TV host: Bush "didn't want to get bin Laden"

Cenk Uygur says Bush was "sitting on his ass"

February 9, 2012

Current TV host Cenk Uygur claimed President George W. Bush had no interest in finding Osama bin Laden, citing the former president’s reluctance to publicize the actions of the SEAL Team 6 squad responsible for the al-Qaeda leader’s demise.

SOLOMON: But, listen let's not forget, Obama’s the guy who has got SEAL Team 6 on speed dial. You know, this is a guy who is not afraid to go in, if he has to go in. But the bar should be super high here. I don’t think we should be in any hurry getting into any military action with Syria.

UYGUR: Yeah, I am always amused when they accuse Obama of being weak in foreign policy and defense. Look, I have a lot of criticisms for Obama but that ain’t one of them, okay. And by the way, how come we never heard about SEAL Team 6 when Bush was in charge? That’s because he was sitting on his ass not doing anything, he didn’t want to get Bin Laden. That’s why you never heard about these tough guys.

Published under: Osama bin Laden